BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20231019T000000Z DTEND:20231019T030000Z DTSTAMP:20231003T124801Z URL: ion-awards-banquet/ SUMMARY:LAI Chicago Region Chapter 2023 New Member Initiation & Awards Banq uet DESCRIPTION:Join us for the Initiation Banquet of the 2023 member class and annual awards presentation.\n\nCity Winery\n1200 W. Randolph Street\, Chi cago\n\nOctober 18\, 2023\n\n6 pm - 9 pm\n\nAttire: Come dressed to have a great time with your colleagues (Business attire).\n\nNew This Year\n\n Early Bird Tickets: Now Through August 31\, we are offering an early bir d ticket price of $185. Starting September 1\, the ticket price increases to $200. Get your tickets today!\n Table Sponsorships:\n\n $2\,500 City Table Sponsorship includes seating for 10 guests in the VIP location and s ponsor recognition.\n $1250 Neighborhood Table Sponsorship includes seati ng for 5 guests in the VIP location and sponsor recognition.\n Email supp for more information.\n\n\n\nWelcome the Class of 2023 \n \;\n\n\n\n\nRachael Aziz\, AICP\nAll Together\n\nTania J. Kadakia\n Wrought Iron Partners\n\nKyle Smith\nICF\n\n\n\nTimnetra Burruss\, JD\nCoo k County Board of Review\n\nKatherine Lambert\, AIA\nOKW Architects\n\nEri k Varela\nIllinois International Port District\n\n\n\nJonathan E. Dennis\n UrbanStreet Group\, LLC\n\nDaniel Montalbano\nATG Real Estate Development\ n\nJuan M. Villafane\, AIA\, LEED AP BD+C\nKrueck Sexton Partners\n\n\n\nS ara Disney Haufe\, PE\, PTOE\nSam Schwartz\n\nNicholas Pryor\, AICP\, AIA\ nSCB\n\nBrett Weidl\, PLA\, ASLE\, LEED AP\nMKSK\n\n\n\nJack Eskin\, AICP\ nHNTB Corporation\n\nJeff Richman\nRGG Law Group\n\nSarah Wilson\nUptown U nited and Uptown Chamber of Commerce\n\n\n\nKatherine C. Jahnke Dale\nDLA Piper LLP\n\nTrina Sandschafer\, AIA\, LEED AP\nKahler Slater\n\nCurtis Wi tek\, AICP\nCook County Government\n\n\n\nMelanie Jefferies. PMP\, DASM\nM ilhouse Development &\; Milhouse Engineering &\; Construction\n\nSte phen R. Schuster\, JD\nBurke\, Warren\, MacKay &\; Serritella\, P.C.\ n\nSkyler York\nCity of Michigan City\, Indiana\n\n\n\n \;\nCongratula tions 2023 Award Honorees\n\n\n \;\n\nMarisa Novara\nHARRY F. CHADDICK DISTINGUISHED PUBLIC SERVICE AWARD\n\n \;\n\n \;\n\n \;\n\n\n \n \;\n\nBrad White\nDORIS B. AND MARSHALL M. HOLLEB COMMUNITY IMPACT AWARD\n\n \;\n\n \;\n\n\n\n \;\n\nRichard Wilson\nLAI INTERNAT IONAL MEMBER OF THE YEAR\n\n \;\n\n \;\n\n \;\n\n \;\nThan k you to Draper &\; Kramer\, this year's Presenting Sponsor of the\nMem ber Initiation &\; Awards Program Cocktail Hour\n\n \;\nThank you t o our City Table Sponsors\n\n\n\n\n\nThank you to our Neighborhood Table S ponsors\n\n\n \;\n\n \;\n CATEGORIES:Events LOCATION: ation-awards-banquet-registration-559762273027?aff=oddtdtcreator END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR